Grow Love Outreach Worship


We are a bilingual, bi-cultural, multi-generational community of faith, located in San Francisco’s Chinatown.


We seek to:

  • Serve the local community

  • Respect and affirm one another’s diversity

  • Love others and ourselves as Christ loves us

  • Evangelize and witness the Good News

  • Work together to bring God’s peace and justice on earth

Our worship is informal and spiritually uplifting, with music celebrating our diversity. No matter who you are or where you are in life’s journey,  you are welcome here.

Worship Services

English Worship Schedule - 10 AM

Feb. 23 - Nadia Tavera (they, them), UCC Member-in-Discernment, Accompaniment Coordinator for IM4HI (Zoom only)

March 2 - the Rev. Cheryl Ward
March 9 - the Rev. Karl Fung - joint bilingual service at 10am



Our members are involved in numerous fellowship, music, and outreach activities. We’d love to have you join us.

The history of our church dates back to 1873— and after 150 years, we’re still going strong!


Feel free to contact us with any questions.
